Thursday, April 19, 2007

oh, sanjaya...

So who's gonna stop watching AI now? Whether you loved or hated Sanjaya, I think you have to admit the show is going to be significantly more boring in his absence. I never really rooted for Mr. Malakar, but throughout the season I was always intrigued by the possibility of a Sanjaya victory and subsequent "Idol" sabotage.

Now I'm arriving at the slow realization that one of the six remaining snoozers will eventually be named this season's champion. Does anyone even care? I think that's one of the reasons Sanjaya became such a popular culture phenomenon in the first place...this season offered absolutely nothing else even remotely interesting.

In the aftermath of Sanjaya's elimination, Vote for the Worst is now looking for a new contestant to endorse. Meanwhile, I'm turning my support to Blake Lewis, who probably won't win. It'll likely either be Jordin or Melinda, both of whom have tremendous potential to generate abysmal record sales by offering nothing different than what's already available on modern radio.

Back to Sanjaya,'ll be interesting to see if he manages to achieve any sort of notoriety beyond his elimination. Think he'll remain a fixture in "Idol" history? When, if ever, will his 15 minutes of fame expire?

I summarized most of my Sanjaya insights last night...but I'll finish this post by saying that in the end, I liked him. Maybe not enough to want him to win the whole thing, but 17, he handled the bad press and relentless criticism well. And you have to remember that Paula, Randy and Simon were the ones who initially put him in the semifinals. You can't say they didn't do that with the slight hunch that something like this -- controversy strong enough to propel a ratings boost -- would happen.

Peace out, Sanjaya. Put your face on a bottle of conditioner and I'll be the first one in line to buy it.

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