Monday, August 13, 2007

it's that time again


Yes, after a brief therapeutic cooling-off period, Ledger Idol is back in effect...just in time for the AI auditions in Atlanta on Tuesday.

I'll be following the auditions -- yes, with a 3:30 a.m. wake-up call -- blogging, taking photos and writing an article for Wednesday's paper. Check my blog for pics, funny stories and my overall impressions of the entire talent circus.

Once I get to the auditions -- at 5 a.m. -- I'll follow (or attempt to follow) two local guys, Timothy Fedd and Andy Johnston, through the audition process. Wish us all luck!

It's on, baby!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

ohmigoshareyougoingtogettomeetryanseacrest? Ask him to clarify the gay/straight controversy for us. I dare you.