Wednesday, February 27, 2008

asia'h: lonely at the non-top

Last contestant of the night...Asia'h Epperson, who tells us she was a cheerleader when she was young. Yawn. Although she might have a bootleg copy of "Cheerleader Mix." Some of you know what I'm talking about.

Song: "All By Myself"

Me: Wow. Nice way to sneak in a cheap imitation of Celine Dion. What a rough beginning! She sounds so flat! I thought she'd redeem herself on the high notes, and she does -- to some extent -- but it's still a little uncomfortable. Great ending, but for most of the song it's like she's posing as somebody else. The hair extensions, the weird makeup, the awkward high notes. It's not her. And a really, really bad vocal, if you ask me.

Randy: "You did a really good job with it."

Paula: "It was great."

Simon: "You have got to be one heck of a singer to pull it off and unfortunately you're not."


Anonymous said...

Wow. She was not good enough to sing that song. What was she thinking? And that outfit was totally wrong for her body. She's such a cute girl and she looked like she was wearing her much taller grandma's skirt. She needs to borrow your cheerleader mix and stop trying to be Celine. PUH-LEASE.

Amanda said...

She is NOT WORTHY of cheerleader mix. She hit some funky note at the beginning on her first "all by myself"s. Was I the only one who heard that because no one else has mentioned it. She needs some voice lessons.

Anonymous said...

Amanda, don't be jealous. Sonya still thinks you're hot. If Sonya wants to share her cheerleader mix with Asiah so be it. You did move far, far and away and Sonya has no one to cheer with anymore

Amanda said...

Anonymous, I want to know who you are. Do I know you? Have you, like Sonya, had the pleasure of smacking my tight butt? Have you also taken pleasure in the cheerleader mix dance ritual?

Anonymous said...

Um, I remember smacking your butt. But, tight?

Anonymous said...

I'm confused. What does this have to do with anything?