Tuesday, February 19, 2008

colton's on our minds

Time for Colton Berry, who looks super albino in his recap segment. He also tells us he likes to sing the Teletubbies theme song. Ok, dude. That isn't helping you.

Song: "Suspicious Minds"

Me: OK, first of all Colton is not Elvis. Clearly. Now that we've established that, I don't hate this performance as much as I thought I would. Luckily, he went right after Luke. There's only going up after that. It's surprisingly OK, but hardly flawless. He lacks the uniqueness necessarily to get an edge here, and the song ends up just way to showy.

Randy: "You did a pretty good job on it."

Paula: "It's nice to see a different side of you."

Simon: "It was OK, it wasn't quite as bad as the other Elvis song."


Anonymous said...

HA you know you're screwed when they say "It wasn't as bad as..." and then follow that up with "... the other Elvis song."

Anonymous said...

He has such a boy band voice and he'd be the one in the band who turns out to be gay 10 years later