Tuesday, February 12, 2008

don't stop believing, angela

9:09 The cuts continue. I can't even really tell who's being eliminated. We do see some major sobbing for Kayla, the girl in the major car accident, and Angelica, who auditioned to impress her dad.

9:11 Here's Kristy Lee Cook, who apparently didn't get the OK on the first day. Jeffrey Lampkin his here, too...the guy who auditioned with his sister. The sister, apparently, already got a no. And here's Angela, the single mom whose daughter has a major disease. Whoa! And now her dad was killed, too. Incredible.

No for Angela, but yes for Jeffrey, Kristy Lee and yes, presidential hopeful Kyle's in the background, too.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That Lampkin guy went on to the next level solely because of his crazy personality. What a goof. And singing about food... ??