Thursday, February 7, 2008

an even happier place on earth

One step closer to complete world domination, "Idol" will soon be theme of a live performance attraction at Disney's Hollywood Studios theme park in Florida.

Here's an excerpt from this AP article:

The attraction's details are still being worked out, but it will probably operate something like this: Theme park guests ages 14 and up will be able to audition for a Disney casting producer. Those who pass the test will be selected to appear in one of the park's "Idol" stage shows. (Disney Parks chairman) Rasulo anticipates six to eight such shows a day.

Backstage, the performers will receive hair and makeup touchups from a stylist and singing tips from a vocal coach. Then, the guests will perform on an "Idol"-like set in front of a live audience and three judges. No, not Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell. Instead, Rasulo says it's likely three audience members will be selected to evaluate the performers while a live host will keep the show moving.

Top audience vote-getters will compete in a grand finale show at the end of each day. Overall daily champs will win a special front-of-the-line pass at a regional audition for the actual "American Idol" show. (FreemantleMedia's licensing vice president) Hindle says Disney winners won't be given any special treatment during the real audition, just the ability to skip ahead.

Because of eligibility differences — namely, the TV show's 16- to 28-year-old age limit — winners may be offered the option of transferring their pass to a friend or family member, but they won't be allowed to sell it. Daily champs too young to audition for the real deal could save the pass until they're old enough to compete, according to Hindle.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That doesn't sound like it would work. I guess they're banking on the hope that people will actually come to the show. It doesn't sound much like a theme park attraction, though.