Wednesday, February 27, 2008

is ramiele leaving?

Here's Ramiele, who explains her excessive tears last week. OK, not really she basically just says she was really sad. Luckily, that's not her fun fact. Instead, we learn that she used to do Polynesian dancing. Me too! No, really. That's true. I can show you moves. And pictures.

Song: "Don't Leave Me This Way"

Me: Strangely, I like Ramiele more and more every week. She's clearly not cocky, and she pretty much always least better than 75 percent of her competitors. That said, tonight is clearly inferior to what we saw last week, and while there's few stumbles vocally, she almost seems unsure of herself. Like I've said from the beginning, Ramiele's biggest potential pitfall is personality. She's done really nothing to connect with the audience, and always seems like she's just doing her job and exiting the stage. She could soon be in trouble.

Randy: "This was just OK for me vocally."

Paula: "You're also one to beat here...I feel like you didn't get to perform your magic."

Simon: "This is one of the performances which I'm not going to remember so well."


Anonymous said...

i like her a lot and we need mo asian flava on this show

Anonymous said...

she keeps suprisin me widdat powerfull voice

Anonymous said...

Nope. I agree with you about her lack of personality. And from browsing around your blog's comments, it's obvious that people care about personality almost as much as the voice

Anonymous said...

i just don't get too excited about ramiele

Anonymous said...

She's too nice. Nice is boring. We need to see a more sassy side of her. We totally want to see those photos. Tomorrow. Bring them to work. Seriously.