Wednesday, January 30, 2008

no laughing matter

8:57 Seacrest promises "the very last contestant." It's Brandon, a Flava Flav wannabbe who enters the judging room with a really bad comedy routine involving an imaginary friend. Not only does he gyrate to "I'll Make Love to You," he also sings an original composition entitled "I am the Next American Idol."

Simon says it's bordering on desperation, and he's right.

Which of course inspires Brandon to pull out his comedy routine.

Simon and Randy walk out, and Paula watches in horror.

And we're done for the night!

With the obligatory sendoff, which features precocious Julie pushing her mom's hand away and mouthing "stop" as she attempts to console her.

Bye, Miami!


Anonymous said...

Why would ANYONE want to be like Flava Flav??

Anonymous said...

How can they truly watch in horror after all the bad acts they've seen in the last 5 years or so? I mean seriously, by now their eyes should just glaze over.