Tuesday, January 15, 2008

save a horse...

9:19 We meet Kristy Lee Cook, who raises horses and trains for cage fighting. No, not THAT kind of cage fighting. She is pretty hot, though.

She had to sell a horse to get to Philadelphia for auditions, even though she's from Oregon. Maybe she tried out in San Diego and didn't make it. Whatever.

Kristy sings "Amazing Grace" and sounds pretty great. Simon likes her and says he reminds him of somebody from the '60s. Hopefully not Alexis. Eww.

The three judges say yes and everybody is thinking about hooking up with her. And other things involving cages and Jell-O.


lisa mc said...

I would hit it 2-3 times.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think she was that attractive. kind of homely to me. and she sounded a little flat. and the fact that she sang an overdone christian song just adds to it