Tuesday, March 11, 2008

amanda can do that

Time for Amanda Overmyer. She reminds us that she's a nurse. Who rides a Harley. Wow, never heard this before.

Song: "You Can't Do That"

Me: What a weird song choice. It's not as bad as I imagined, though. Amanda goes all bluesy this week. Kind of like it. Fans might like her better without the overt hard-rock vibe. I guess I do, too. She's still kind of like a bar singer in my mind, and this isn't nearly as good as her take on Joan Jett last week. Still, I'll hold out for her because she's different. And managed to make a pretty tricky song her own.

Randy: "I loved it, I thought it was cool."

Paula: "I am blown away."

Simon: "I understood about 30 percent of what you sang...I think it's a good thing that you're in this competition because you're like a breath of fresh air when you come on."


Anonymous said...

it was better for me than last week. i thought she was overpraised last week

Anonymous said...

I am Amanda Overmeyer's #1 Anti-fan. Please let this girl get voted off.

Amanda said...

She totally looks like Beetle Juice with that outfit and that crazy hair. She must think she's Elvis the way she does her upper lip... so weird. And all she does is scream. Who on earth is voting for this monstrosity??

Amanda said...

And another thing: I wish that Paula and Randy would stop interrupting Simon. He never cuts them off or babbles inanely when they're giving their words of wisdom.

Anonymous said...

She sounded like Janis Joplin and I couldn't understand her.

The hair was ok.