Tuesday, March 11, 2008

a night of surprises

What a weird night. Who knew that the majority of viewers would one night likely agree that Chikezie outsang David Archuleta?

That's what I'd say, at least. It was a night that for the most part gave us tame, safe song choices. Illustrated perhaps best by David Archuleta's botched rendition of "We Can Work It Out." Archuleta, long called this season's front-runner, repeatedly forgot the words and seemed to lack his usually charismatic stage presence.

Then, of course, there was Kristy Lee Cook's horrible country take on "Eight Days a Week," which even made Paula grimace in pain.

But there were some standouts, including Carly Smithson and (very surprisingly) Chikezie.

Anyway, here's how I'd rank 'em:

1. Carly Smithson

2. Amanda Overmyer

3. Chikezie

4. Brooke White

5. David Cook

6. Michael Johns

7. Jason Cook

8. Syesha Mercado

9. David Archuleta

10. David Hernandez

11. Ramiele Malubay

12. Kristy Lee Cook

This isn't, of course, how tomorrow's elimination will necessarily pan out. Kristy could easily have enough country fans to save her another week.

So who goes? I have a weird hunch David might be safe, leaving it between the two remaining bland females: Syesha and Ramiele.

Syesha's time to go?


lisa mc said...

Jason Castro owns me. He owns my heart. Probably my soul too.

Anonymous said...

it's either kristy or... kristy leaving. i'm a country fan and I can honestly say that was NOT GOOD

Anonymous said...

Ramiele has no personality and nothing really other than a cute face and an asian fan base. she's going home

Anonymous said...

I bet tomorrow's elimination will be one of the Davids. And since I think Archuleta's going to have too many teenagers pulling for him, it will be stripper or rocker David. And either one of them will be a huge surprise. And everyone will gasp. But you all will know that I predicted it.

Anonymous said...

whatevs syesha totally blows. she's cute but she's not bringing anything to the table that we didn't already get in melinda, jordin or latoya london or any of those other black women that scream so well. i mean it sounds good but how much of that can we take?

Anonymous said...

Kristy Cook was great last night on Idol. The Beatles version is not great. But she made it like something Faith Hill would do.

I really like it and she is cute too.
That is what really counts.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of people saying Ramiele has no personality. She's awesome and i voted like 80 times for last inght. Seriously, I lost track after about the 53rd time. Anyway, if she gets voted off I'm going to punch my TV

Anonymous said...

I am also so frustrated with Ramiele! I hope she doesn't get cut this week because she's got to come back and prove something. She really has the natural talent!!! GRRR

Anonymous said...

I'm very nervous for syesha tonight..:(
I hope hope hope she's not in the bottom 3 tonight, let alone going home... she was good, but based on the night I think she was forgettable, and with as good as she is, it'd be ridicule to send her home yet... PLEASE