Tuesday, March 25, 2008

david cook: originality counts

Last up? David Cook, who looks very cute as a kid with tube socks and a guitar.

Song: "Billie Jean"

Me: Wow. A perfect equation for the rocker -- he gets the money spot and does a sweet rock ballad rendition of "Billie Jean." A little reminiscent of what he did with Lionel Richie's "Hello," but maybe even more compelling. While I still think David Cook's cocky, this performance does a pretty excellent job of fulfilling my definition of what makes an Idol. He's creative, and sounds good doing it. You really can't say he DOESN'T have an edge.

Randy: "I think you're probably the most original, the most bold contestant we've ever had."

Paula: "I'm blown away."

Simon: "That was brave...it could have either been insane or amazing. And I have to tell you it was amazing."


Anonymous said...

woohoo!!!i love david cook!!! $50 says he wins the whole thing. best performance of the night and of the competition

Anonymous said...

David Cook is completely in his own competition. I mean really...? David Archuleta and Syesha can't even touch him with a 10-foot pool skimmer.

What a sexy beast.

Amanda said...

I loved this about as much as I loved "Hello." He's so dreamy! And he's a real musician. He's going to make it no matter how he does in the next 10 weeks.