Wednesday, March 19, 2008

bottom three = carly & kristy lee

Recap of the making of the Ford video. What's up with all the winter clothing? Like,'s California.

Brrr...or not.

OK, now on to the actual video. It's to "Should I Stay or Should I Go." Um, I say go. The black and white footage is scaring me. Kinda short, too.

Poor Carly. I can't believe she's in the bottom 3.

Next up...David Cook. Safe. Kristy Lee Cook. Oh no, this isn't looking good. She might be safe.

No! Bottom three!

Next up: Jason Castro. Safe, duh. (Lisa is so turned on right now.)

Here's Ramiele. I say safe. I'm right!


Looks like bottom 3 singers won't be performing tonight.


Amanda said...

Ramiele is really playing up the cutesy factor. And it is so working. She is hotness.

lisa mc said...

OK, I demand that every time you mention Jason Castro, you work my name in there too (you're doing really well so far).

Yeah, I started blushing again. Dammit! ADORABLE! Even if he was pretty bad last week when he sang to me, and only to me.

lisa mc said...

So I was reading the recap from, and I came across this gem. And I cracked up.

"But here's the thing: when Amanda sings, I feel like I'm in a bar; when David Cook sings, I feel like I'm in a club; when Brooke sings, I feel like I'm in an amphitheater; when Jason sings, I feel like I'm in my dealer's living room; but when David Archuleta sings, I feel like I'm watching a high school talent show. Every time. And it's a performing arts high school for gifted kids, absolutely. And he's clearly the best in the talent show, and he'll totally win and deservedly so. But if you're asking me to list the places I'd pay to be, I'd rather see Amanda at the bar, David Cook at the club, Brooke at the concert hall, and Jason at my dealer's house than go to David A.'s talent show."

Amanda said...

that is so right! great find. I'm going to repaste this on one of the more recent posts so more people will see this.