Tuesday, April 29, 2008

i am, i said...unimpressed

If anything proves the validity of recent articles attributing AI's ratings decline to antiquated song selections, it's tonight's show.

Contestants -- even the seemingly invincible David Cook, to some extent -- served up predictable versions of Neil Diamond tunes. The rapid-fire, two-songs-each setup made for relatively little extensive feedback from the judges. Aside from Paula's embarrassing moment of extreme lunacy, that is.

Still, it was clear the night didn't exactly meet expectations. And with a song catalog that was likely 95 percent unknown to the powerful younger viewer voting block, it seems like Brooke, Syesha and Jason are once again in almost equal danger of elimination.

My apologies again for missing the show's early moments. That said, here are my rankings:

1. David Cook

2. Syesha Mercado

3. David Archuleta

4. Jason Castro

5. Brooke White


Anonymous said...

I think that viewership has been down the last two weeks. why the hell would they put neil diamond right after andrew loyd webber? It's like they were trying to get ratings to go down.

Anonymous said...

But brooke chose a song that everyone knows. She just sounded awful when she did it. Here are my rankings:

1. David C
2. Syesha
3. Brooke (second song, not first)
4. Archusuckit
5. Jason

Anonymous said...

i think paula has been oding on her back pain meds
someone get her some help puleeeze

Anonymous said...

Why you hating? Syesha is great whether she does slow or fast stuff. She can run the gamet. I like her a lot, and she and David Archuleta are the only talented ones on this show. Their powerful voices blow everyone out of the water and it bafles me how anyone could hate ether one.

Anonymous said...

say goodbye, brooke white.

Anonymous said...

neil diamond? seriously? they must hate these contestants