Tuesday, April 22, 2008

the music of the night?

Yes! It's Idol night, with an Andrew Lloyd Webber theme. The show starts at 8 p.m. and I'll blog live as usual.

Here are today's AI links...

*Ever wonder why there are so many hot people in the AI audience? Well, it could have something to do with the fact that producers recruit sorority girls to watch the tapings. Read more here.

*Mentor Andrew Lloyd Webber says he was especially impressed by Brooke White. Hmm. A result of the VFTW endorsement? Here's the full story.

*Season 2 finalist Carmen Rasmussen says that despite her recent column claiming that Clay Aiken got more coaching than she did, she still thinks of him "like a brother." Check out the damage control here.

*And finally...a personal concern: Can Simon Cowell still call songs too "cabaret" when the theme essentially is Broadway?

Just a thought.


Amanda said...

ALW was probably impressed by Brooke because she is FAB-YOU-LUSS!

Anonymous said...

yah its intresting that the jugdes always say dont sing mariah dont sing cabaray but then they make them sing it 2 weeks in a row