Monday, April 7, 2008

ready to save the world?

Don't's a marathon AI week. Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday.

I'll blog every episode live as usual.

The majority of Wednesday's "Idol Gives Back" special was filmed Sunday. You can get recaps, which include some inconsequential spoilers, here and here.

In Tuesday's L-E, I'll have a story explaining the basics of the philanthropy extravaganza. It'll be interesting to see what kind of ratings it gets standing on its own this year.

Are you planning to watch "Idol Gives Back"? Do you think the show is a genuine attempt at altruism, or simply a ratings ploy?


Anonymous said...

a big, fat, sticky POOP on Idol Gives Back.

Anonymous said...

I will not be watching the show, nor will I be checking this blog Wednesday.

The whole thing reminds me of the Green Tour or whatever that concert was called last year where all the billionaire celebrities flew their huge, private jets to that concert to raise "awareness" (instead of money) of global warming. They probably did worse for the environment in that week with their jets than raising awareness could have possibly done.

Anonymous said...

ploy? most likely. I think that they ran out of new filler ideas, so they resorted to charity.

The meeting probably went something like this:

"Well, we've got 541 Coca-Cola and Ford commercials in this hour long episode, but we still need another 10 minutes of filler so that we can show as little as possible of actual singing."

"Yeah, and it would be great if more irrelevant celebrities could have face time as well. Those 5-second cameos of them in the audience just doesn't hit the spot."

"Hmm... collective hours of filler fluff and celebrity cameos. Hey, what about if we save children in Africa?!"

Anonymous said...

i like the idol gives back yall tripin its just like watching a concert on screen tho it wold be beter widout all the ai hasbins and watnot
and also its savin some kids in africa who wolda starved or died of bug bites

Amanda said...

PDogg needs to learn the ancient art of punctuation and spelling. It would make his stream of consciousness posts somewhat readable, I think.