Monday, April 21, 2008

white or wrong?

Happy Monday!

Reminder: Tuesday's episode of AI will feature the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber. The show starts at 8 p.m., and I'll blog live as usual. In the meantime, here's your rundown of AI gossip:

*Vote for the Worst is now endorsing...Brooke White!!

*A throat injury caused Jordin Sparks to cancel her first month of appearances on the Alicia Keys tour. She's expected to return in May. Get the full story here.

*This LA Times article reiterates some points about AI's ratings drop. An excerpt:

The more fundamental problem, though, is probably show fatigue. The conventional wisdom among TV producers and their accountants is that hit shows, no matter how popular, usually start delivering diminished ratings somewhere from Season 5 to Season 7. Seen that way, "Idol's" apparent decline is adhering to form. Some fans are seeing the program as less essential than it was a year or two ago. How many times can Americans see Seacrest insult Simon Cowell, and vice versa, before they say, "Enough already"?

*And finally: Is the contestant who sings first really at a disadvantage? USA Today tackles that question here.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to vote for the Worst! They are morons. Brooke White is fabulously talented, and she's not a hint of the cartoon character that Sanjaya was. VFTW is flailing, for sure.

Stupid dummies.