Tuesday, March 18, 2008

carly flies high

Next up? Carly Smithson, another contestant who names her most memorable moment as last week.

Song: "Blackbird"

Me: Whoa! What was the deal with that childhood pic of her with a fro? OK, I've recovered. It's weird seeing her do a slow song, and immediately I like last week's performance better. It's slow at first, but I'm sold midway through. Even though there are traces of her earlier attempts to become Celine Dion. I do like seeing Carly do something a little tamer. She shows some more versatility than, say, David Archuleta. Agree?

Randy: "Another great performance for Carly Smithson."

Paula: "You have an amazing tone to your voice."

Simon: "I thought the song was indulgent."


Anonymous said...

She put a lot of different elements in that performance. Totally awesome. And I don't know what Simon's been smoking tonight because his comments have almost all been off track.

Anonymous said...

I have been gaining more and more respect for Carly each week. She's really hitting all the different styles fairly well. Awesome night for her.

Anonymous said...

I loved this tonight! Best performance by a mile! Way to be awesome every week but not sound the smae!