Wednesday, March 14, 2007

not as much as tomorrow

Break for a filler Diana Ross performance. She sang "More Today than Yesterday," complete with an incredibly strange wardrobe selection that left me wondering if she was going to trip on the stage or strangle Chris Sligh with the silky scarf thing she held awkwardly before finally dropping on the stage.
Is it just me, or did anyone else think it was wierd that Diana singled out Melinda as a singing partner? Does this season seem rigged in Melinda's favor?
Just a thought.
Stay tuned for more results.


Anonymous said...

hahaha i had the same thoughts about ol diana trping over her dress and than holding that boa thingie shes kindof old and cant sing well anymore but people get excited for the legend she USED too be

Anonymous said...

How old is Diana Ross? I would say 67. She's got to update that hair, man. I bet it's a wig