Thursday, May 1, 2008

time to go

Click here to see MTV's exit interview with Brooke White. Here's what she said regarding her elimination last night:

I kind of anticipated it, in a strange way. It was in my gut. I thought I was strong, I really did. I felt so grateful and happy. And then, boom, it hit me: This is done. This is over. The finality of that phase of the experience being over was sad. And then the fear of going back into the real world and what does the future hold and also excitement. It was just a lot of feelings. It was emotional, and I hoped so much that I could have been stronger, but I'm an emotional girl and I'm passionate, and that really came across on the stage, because I felt really vulnerable every time [I performed].

Did you think Brooke's excessive display of emotion was endearing, or unprofessional? And which contestant, if any, do you think her fans will back now?


Anonymous said...

unprofessional??? she's not a professional! that's why she's on this show.

those emotions were real, and I know exactly how she felt. she wanted to control them but she couldn't

and her supporters will now back either jason or dc

Anonymous said...

and that's not a picture from last night. her hair was straight.

Anonymous said...

I don't think her emotions were either endearing or unprofessional. I think she was just being herself and it's no big deal. Brooke is very talented and has a future somehere in the entertainment industry. If she doesn't become a pop (or country) music star, maybe she'll land on broadway.

I think what really hurt Brooke on AI was her lack of confidence, her emotions had nothing to o with her staying or going.

Anonymous said...

I already miss Brooke and am having withdrawal. I think Syesha appears to be a sweet girl but it could be part of her stage act that she likes to talk about.