Wednesday, January 24, 2007

beauties and buttercups

He may have had gastric bypass surgery, but let's just say Randy Jackson hasn't entirely curbed his culinary addiction. Especially since he said of a Hollywood hopeful's voice, "Let it marinade."
That comment was directed to Virginia's Christopher, who made it to Hollywood with his take on a Leon Russell classic. In spite of the judges' rave reviews -- and thumbs-up for Hollywood -- I was more wowed by the three hot female groupies who bombarded him on his way out the door.
And who says quitters don't win? We saw the return of Nicholas, who cracked under the pressure and withdrew in a former AI Hollywood round because he couldn't learn the words to "Build Me Up Buttercup." But this time, his version of "Fly Me to the Moon" fared much better.
He'll be heading back to Hollywood once again, this time hopefully with a tighter memory. Or at least a full set of lyrics written on his palm.

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