Tuesday, January 16, 2007

cue the cubicle chorus

Memo to all the co-workers who have listened to me sing "Fever": Fly me to Hollywood next time.
I just watched some chick approach the judges with a bizarre take on Chaka Khan...only to be followed by an equally bizarre appearance by her boss, and some sort of twisted romantic relationship that still resulted in elimination. But at least she chose the right exit door, which is a notch above her competitors.
After that, we were treated to a stirring rendition of "California Dreamin'," which in the end led to another pass to Hollywood...and a potential body double for the next O-Town reunion tour.
On another note...I'm amazed by the number of military servicemen and women tonight. OK, so by "number," I mean two...but it's still pretty astounding. And I'm pretty wowed by the uniformed girl who just made out with her boyfriend's photo. Nothing I haven't done before.
Favorite contestant so far? Curly-haired Sarah, and not just because she hails from Eau Claire, Wisc., a town I frequented often for college forensics tournaments. No...she's smokin', and her voice is my favorite so far. She was voted through to Hollywood unanimously, although it's too bad guest judge Jewel was such a hater.
Let's just say you're not necessarily poised for evaluative excellence when you sing about making smiley faces out of egg yolks.
Just saying.

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