Wednesday, January 24, 2007

think paula's a prophet?

Still riding on the high you got after watching Clay Aiken tackle "Bridge Over Troubled Water"? Is your soul-searching epithany printable?
If so, you're in luck. In a desperate, pathetic, craving-for-attention kind of way. The folks over at Chicken Soup for the Soul are calling for entries in their "Chicken Soup for the American Idol Lover's Soul."
In spite of AI's widespread popularity, this seems a step too far. In fact, the unprecedented high ratings during this season's auditions seem to suggest that if anything, "Idol" is a show grounded in cruelty, not inspiration.
Throughout junior high, I thrived on the Chicken Soup series, devoting late nights to tears from stories of seemingly impossible reunions, lost love and legless midgets attempting to climb Everest.
Putting Paula Abdul in that realm just sounds weird.
At the same time, though, it doesn't take a genius to see AI's cultural impact. In fact, maybe the upcoming title is merely a reflection of the show's integration not only in the recording industry, but in interactions outside television.
In fact, who am I to talk? I remember falling in love with a guy just because he told me he dreamed of us spending long nights watching "Idol" together.
The realtionship failed, but I still have a pretty inspirational story. Which is more than Ruben Studdard got out of his recording career.
Let me know how "Idol" calmed your soul.

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