Wednesday, January 17, 2007

her voice is small but her curves are kickin'

Don't get me wrong...tonight hasn't been entirely devoid of excellence. We got Thomas Daniels, who performed "Arms of a Woman" after professing he wants to get to the top, whether it be via the stairs or an elevator. Long story short, he made it to Hollywood...and informed the judges it was success after his third shot of fame.
This guy's gonna be golden. Looks like he's perfect for the Scott Savol track.
Hollywood entries have been few and far between, but we also got Blake, a beat-box champion who narrowly got the thumbs-up largely due to Paula's persuasion. And by "persuasion," I mean incoherence.
Then again, "good" in Idol's context also means "bad," so this post would be incomplete without mention of dog-accompanied Melissa/Carleen, who hit her audition boasting not only an incredibly awkward figure, but also full-body sheer pink undergarments that made the judges ask her if she had a sunburn.
Anyway, she scrapped a plan to sing "Hit Me With Your Best Shot," only to kick off her attempt at Hollywood with an impromptu rendition of "Baby Got Back." I think she followed it with some Christina Aguilera, which still didn't get her through to Hollywood, but the love isn't entirely gone.
When you have an LA face and an Oakland booty, vocal ability is secondary at best.

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