Tuesday, May 15, 2007

blake does roxanne

2. Blake Lewis...Ryan describes the mayor of Blake's town as "young-looking." And yes, he is very hot as well. Looks like Paula chose Blake's song for the night.
Song: "Roxanne"
Me: A much better-fitting song choice over Jordin's, in my opinion. It started of shakily, but in the end I think it's one of the better vocals Blake has demonstrated this season. Miles above what we saw last week. He decides to go sans beatboxing, which seems to some extent deprive him of the uniqueness that in the past has separated him from the pack. Still, he pulls it off without any major catastrophes.
Randy: "Great, great performance."
Paula: "You did me proud, Blake."
Simon: "I'm not going to call that earth-shattering because it wasn't."
Score: 7/10

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