Tuesday, May 8, 2007

this is where blake comes in

6. Blake
Song: "This Is Where I Came In."
Me: What part of song choice do these people not understand? Not impressed by Blake tonight. Seems like he got an inflated sense of coolness after last week's performance garnered strong reviews. This is better than his first song of the night, but it's hard for me to enjoy, since I've never heard the song. He beatboxes again, but more as an obligatory filler rather than a way to be innovative and edgy. Again, it's as if he's trying to compensate for weak vocals rather than make a song his own.
Randy: "I'm still not jumping up and down."
Paula: "You are the contemporary rebel in this competition."
Simon: "I found it completely tuneless. I don't know why you chose it."
Score: 6/10

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