Tuesday, May 22, 2007

blake. now.

Time to reveal the winners of the songwriting contest. Two guys from Seattle. It's called "This is My Now." Ouch. Not looking good.

5. Blake
Song: "This is My Now"
Me: Is anyone else really turned on by Blake's sparkly sweater vest? No? OK, guess I'll move on. Actually, this isn't that bad of a vocal. It's kind of good, actually, once you get past the fact that this song was absolutely not at all conducive to beatboxing. You can tell Blake is frustrated to finish with a song not in line with his creativity...but at least he's not singing "Do I Make You Proud," right? Surprisingly, though, I like it better than his rendition of "She Will be Loved," and I know it's because of the magical sweater vest. Delicious.
Randy: "You did a pretty good job with it. It was all right."
Paula: "I think you did a great job on the song."
Simon: "I thought it was all a little odd, to be honest with you."
Score: 7/10


Amanda said...

BOO! 7 out of 10? You've got to be kidding me. Most of this song was out of his range, which really isn't his fault, but we can definitely blame him for NOT BEING ABLE TO SING. He was out of breath for half the song because he was actually being challenged with a song that had a MELODY, much unlike many of the songs he's chosen to sing throughout the season.

Anonymous said...

yeah, blake has done worse, but the guys not cut out to do songs like this. no beatboxing opporunity whatsoever