Wednesday, May 16, 2007

ready to roll

Checking in before tonight's show. Thanks so much for all the great comments, guys. Super fan Chad, I hope your 200 votes pay off. And I have to give major props to the anonymous commenter who said Jordin looked like she was having menstrual cramps while singing "I Who Have Nothing." Congratulations. You're the funniest person in the world.

There's about three more hours until the fun begins, and I'm still pretty divided on who's going home tonight. I could discuss this for hours and hours...but that would give me a headache. Bottom line? It boils down to whether Blake's stage charisma will overpower the girls' consistent vocals, but comparatively lackluster stage presence.

I still say the majority of people are rooting for a Jordin/Melinda finale, but honestly I'd like to see Blake go all the way. I know, I know...I'm floundering.

So I'm gonna get all buck wild and go out on a limb and say Jordin's going home.

Why? I have no idea. I'd just like to see who Chad will vote for if his favorite is out.


Anonymous said...

I think the world is going to be shocked tonight....

I think that Melinda is going home.

Think about it. Blake has such a strong fan base. So does Jordin.. the predictable type of voters. So I think that we're all going to be crying a little tear for Linda t'night. I'd love to see if Simon gives her a goodbye kiss.

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to say that JORDIN reminds me so much of Kimberly Locke. Who is that, you ask?


Anonymous said...

I so totally called that!