Tuesday, January 29, 2008

daughtry version 2.0?

8:44 My 7-year-old viewing partner has left the room, apparently out of boredom. Sigh. It's not the first time a man has done that to me.

8:45 Whoa. We just got another shot of the guyliner-clad teacher we saw a few nights ago. Trickery!

8:46 David, a quasi-goth Chris Daughtry fan, pulls out some "Livin' on a Prayer." I like it! The judges seem to like him, aside from Randy's suggestion he work on his performing skills. Three-way yes for Hollywood

8:48 We meet Johnnie -- "Pretty much I'm one of the weirdest guys you'll ever meet." Imagine a sparkly gold jacket. That's what he's wearing. Paula hiccups, and Simon calls her a disgusting little pig.

Back to the audition. Johnnie sings "Shout." Very enthusiastically. And by enthusiastically, I mean badly.

Denied all around!


Anonymous said...

I thought he sounded good, but no better than chris daughtry.. and do we really need 2 of those?

Anonymous said...

I think he stole that gold jacket shirt from my grandma's closet.

lisa mc said...

My friend said he sang "in the key of Daughtry."

Phrase now trademarked.