Wednesday, January 16, 2008

kelly fan, carrie imitator

8:16 We meet Beth, a Kelly Clarkson fan. Big deal. She's a singing waitress at a fondue restaurant. She sings "Beautiful Disaster" and it's just a disaster. Not beautiful. In fact, really ugly. She gets a three-way no.

8:18 Our first montage of bad singers.

8:18 We meet Alaina, who's been compared to Carrie Underwood. But Alaina says Carrie Underwood is like her, not vice versa. Conceited. They really do look alike. And what a surprise...she sounds pretty good singing Faith Hill's "Stronger." Simon says she's not as good as she thinks she is. Still, she gets a three-way yes. I'm not super impressed, though.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

No one will vote a conceited girl to the top. and I'm wondering about beth.. if she's ever gotten hot fondue oil thrown her way because she was ruining someone's date with that voice