Tuesday, January 29, 2008

don't forget the lyrics

We're back from commercial, and Paula's still gone.

8:12 We meet Jason, 21, who works on a farm in a 500-person town in Iowa. Join every single other contestant this season. He has the quiet guy vibe and I say this goes well.

He pulls out a rendition of "When You Say Nothing at All" and it sounds good -- until he forgets the lyrics after the first verse!

Awkward silence ensues, and he tries again, but still can't remember anything past the first verse.

This same thing happens about three times.

Finally, on the fourth try, he does the whole song.

The judges say he has an OK voice, but might lack star quality.

Still, he gets a two-judge "yes" for Hollywood. Is anyone else surprised?

"I will never, ever give you that shot again," Simon says.

His girlfriend (?) shrieks when he comes outside, and Simon jokes that Jason just stepped on Seacrest.

8:17 Obligatory singer memory-lapse segment ensues.


Anonymous said...

I actually like that guy. The first time, his voice sounded weak and raspy, but the more he sang, the more I changed my mind. I think he's got a pretty voice.

Anonymous said...

I have absolutely no sympathy for people who forget the lyrics... I mean, they're going to have to remember them in front of 1000s of people!! why should he get 7 chances?

lisa mc said...

This is like, the fifth guy so far this season I've fallen in love with. I really should stop being such a hooker.