Tuesday, January 15, 2008

touchdown, or not

8:26 The usual montage of absolutely awful singers. Anyone else think the Asian guy with the white collared shirt and and red tie is hot?

8:27 Junot wows the judges, gets the ok

8:28 More singers get the OK, Jose and Jonathan. They're both really happy. I approve of all of them. This season looks promising.

8:29 We meet Temptress Brown, a 16-year-old female football player. You have my permission to call her The Refrigerator. This is not going to turn out well. Wow, here mom is obese and probably weighs 1 million pounds. Think "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" I'm scared. She could fit Simon and Paula in her armpit. Maybe not Randy, though.

Alright, audition time. She has 10 kittens. Simon says he likes animals. Hopefully that's not a metaphor for anything. I can't take it.

She sings "And I am Telling You," which she apparently thinks is by Jennifer Hudson.

Wow, she really is awful.

Simon calls her a sweetheart, and gives her the no. The judges agree, and she starts crying. Paula and Randy give her a hug. They're just trying to look small. (Thanks for the joke, Jeff.)

The judges walk her out, and Simon says something about wanting to talk about kittens. Way too much innuendo here for my own good.

Whew. The producers really are going for the back stories this season. And being a little nicer, too, yeah?

1 comment:

lisa mc said...

they ARE being nicer this year. Is Simon bored?

But really, a linebacker?