Wednesday, January 30, 2008

meat and meaty

8:00 Wow. A Miami Vice-inspired intro. That's so cheesy. Lily senses some Ricky Martin coming, and I'm ready to shake my bon-bon if warranted.

8:01 First Gloria Estefan reference.

8:02 Simon says Paula looks very slutty. Hopefully that's a sign we're temporarily done with her hiccup spells.

8:03 We meet Shannon, who works at her parents' deli grinding hamburgers and slicing fajita meat. She's also a really good belcher. OK, we didn't need a demonstration. I also didn't need to hear her use the phrase "bloody meat." Especially when I'm eating pepperoni.

Whoa. Power voice. And not in a good way She's singing "Crybaby," not entirely awfully, but it lacks real tone and is WAY too over the top. Simon says she sounds like she's eating. Shannon, naturally, is totally shocked and says no one has ever criticized her.

She gets a three-way no.

8:07 Time for Robbie, a "former boy bander who's now turned to rock," according to Seacrest. Wow, you'd never tell he was in a boy band from his looks. OK, maybe so. He kind of looks like Nick Carter with long hair and a beard.

He's OK, better than other contestants, but pretty forgettable.

Still, the judges like him (mildly) and give him the OK times three.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yah that grl just wantd to be anotha melinds dolitle