Tuesday, January 15, 2008

udi booty

8:39 Did anyone else see that foot move in a weird direction? Or that killer set of abs?

8:39 We meet Mark, who can do a killer impression of a whistle, but botches his rendition of "White Christmas." Big no.

8:40 We meet Udi, who does finance work. He dances at work. He made his own MC Hammer song and pimp costume. Pimp meets Elvis, he says. I promise you can spank me if this guy is good. It's not gonna happen.

He claims people say he sounds like Barry Manilow or Frank Sinatra. He sings "My Way," and is horrible, but entertaining. He's like chanting or something.

Simon keeps calling him Ugi and says he sang the same note over and over.

Udi asks for constructive criticism, Simon says he should keep the batteries in his calculator.

He does make a pretty funny joke about "my way or the highway," though. Aww.

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