Wednesday, January 23, 2008

mile-high club?

8:43 We meet Air Force pilot Lyndsay Goodman. She actually kind of looks like Angelina Jolie. Hot. Am I right?

I say she does well. All her military friends love her, too.

She approaches the judges and despite being clearly nervous, pulls out a fairly solid version of "Black Velvet."

The judges say they're worried about her nerves, and Simon even calls her a cabaret singer.

Three-way no. I object!

8:46 Now it's time for Aretha. All you really need to know is that she has a huge chest. Apparently also a huge head, since she says she's as good as all of the other idols.

She sings some Whitney Houston. It's not pretty. Not a total train wreck, but pitchy and a cheap imitation of every diva imaginable.

Simon: "You seriously murdered the Whitney Houston song."

Unanimously denied. And she gets defensive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all you need to be aretha is a huge chest. duh