Tuesday, January 22, 2008

just say no to whitney

8:20 A guy in a sombrero is accompanied by a mime. Are we done yet?

8:21 We meet Christopher and Monique. I'm not optimistic. OK, Monique hits the stage first. Horizontal stripes, white leggings and boots with the fur. Add about 180 pounds and the image is complete. She pulls out some Whitney Houston...and some Mariah Carey...and some Brandy. And fails at all of them. Three-way no.

8:23 Now Christopher hits the stage. And he fails, too. Coincidentally, he also pulls out some Whitney. Simon: "There wasn't a single note in tune." Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Simon: "The reality is there's not a single person on the planet Earth who would pay to hear you sing." Again, that pretty much sums it up. He's escorted out by security and gives the inevitable chain of obscenities.


Anonymous said...

ok, a mime on AI? i'm disgusted they even bothered showing that.

wow, not a single person? that's harsh. that means he sings worse than William Hung, who as we all know made a lot of money singing badly.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that there's always someone who comes on and tries to sing like Whitney Houston, despite the judges disparaging remarks EVERY YEAR to anyone who tries to sing like her???