Tuesday, May 6, 2008

cook leaves us hungry

First up, David Cook!

Song: "Hungry Like the Wolf"

Me: In his pre-performance interview, David says he initially had a hard time with this one. That's clear in the opening moments of this performance. It has David's characteristic grunge vibe, but he pretty much sticks to the song's original arrangement. A rushed one, nonetheless. Decent, but not earth-shattering. No points for originality, and if viewed in isolation we'd be wondering what separates this guy from any other rocker on the show.

Randy: "That was just OK for you."

Paula: "I think your 'Hungry Like the Wolf' has left me with a big appetite." (Note from me: gross.)

Simon: "I thought it was good...it was a little bit copycat."


Anonymous said...

haha i love paulas comment. i wonder which one of her comments will make the headlines tomorrow (as always).

Anonymous said...

she's probably going for just that effect.

i think he stands out head and shoulders from the other "rockers," but he didn't display it well with this song.

his main draw is that he can make bubble gum pop songs rock.