Tuesday, May 13, 2008

want more of david's face?

Last up in judge's choice round? David Cook, singing a song hand-selected by Simon.

Song: "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face"

Me: OK, I get what Simon was trying to do with the song choice. In theory, the song could have given David another choice to pull out an unexpected cover a la "Always Be My Baby." Unfortunately, the first half of the tune relies too much on higher notes, which aren't exactly Cook's strong points. He redeems himself in the chorus, but this is clearly not a song he'd independently choose to take on. The characteristic grunge edge is there, but not as original as what we've seen before."

Randy: "I wish that Simon would have picked something that wasn't as predictable as this older song for you."

Paula: "That is one of my favorite song and now you're my second favorite person who sings it."

Simon: "I thought it was ever one of your best performances yet."

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