Tuesday, May 20, 2008

cook: rocking our worlds?

Final round: contestant's choice. Here's David Cook.

Song: "The World I Know"

Me: He contemplated singing this tune last week, sources report. Glad he ends the night with a slow song accompanied by the guitar. And bonus points for choosing a song new to the lineup. It's a quiet, more subdued, performance. A nice way to end the night, but some fans on the fence make take issue with the fact he didn't opt for his characteristic move of inserting originality into a cover song.

Randy: "That was a very nice sensitive side of David Cook."

Paula: "I look at you up there on the stage and you're standing in your truth."

Simon: "You are one of the nicest, most sincere contestants we've had...It was completely the wrong song choice for you."


Anonymous said...

do you know the original song? he changed it a lot. that was amazing.

Anonymous said...

do you think that he was pretending to cry? weird. that was something I'd never seen him even close to doing... maybe he saw archuleta losing it from backstage and thought he might try the same tactic.

Anonymous said...

I'm not really a big David Cook fan, but I liked this a lot. Possibly because I like the original so much, but I think his changes to it were good also.

Anonymous said...

yeah that was a GREAT song choice. I don't know why they lauded Archuleta's repeat so much... boo he didn't even have to work for it. The judges are whack this year. I don't get why they love him so much. It's like they've all gone paula when it comes to him.

Anonymous said...

What the hell did Paula mean by saying that Cook was "standing in the truth?" Was she drunk or stoned again?

Anonymous said...

If you look back at all the other season finales, it seems the show always pushes for one contestant over the other, and that contestant always wins. The only exception might be Ruben vs. Clay. So for some reason, the "powers that be" want Archleta to win, so that's who the judges lauded and who will probably win.