Tuesday, May 13, 2008

not spoilers, but...

My co-worker, Jeff, came up with this list of songs for the three remaining contestants to sing tonight:

"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Like A Virgin"
"Papa Don't Preach"

"Suck My Kiss"
"Lick It Up"
"I Kissed A Girl"

"The Stroke"
"She Bop"
"Dancing With Myself"

They might be far from reality, but these picks gave me a good idea for a blog game. Post the songs you'd most like to see the finalists sing, regardless of how well the selections match the singers' vocal talents. Or sexual preferences.


Anonymous said...

archuleta - "I'm not a girl" or "I touch myself"

Anonymous said...

cook - "red high heels"

Anonymous said...

syesha - "loser" by beck

Anonymous said...

I want Syesha to do something Whitney Houston so she'll get kicked off already.

Anonymous said...

And I want David Archuleta to do "Get Your Freak On" Ha.

lisa mc said...

I don't know if I can fully express my platonic love for Jeff through the internets. There are not enough exclamation points.

I want Archuleta to sing "Darling Nikki" by Prince (Cook could also do the Foo Fighters version, haha).

I don't think the word "masturbate" is allowed on American Idol, though...