Wednesday, May 14, 2008

the long wait begins

Here we go!

I'm ready for perhaps the least surprising outcome in AI history. Social networking sites are minimized on my computer screen for moments of boredom.

Syesha's going home, right?

Hmm. We'll find out in an hour. Meanwhile, Simon's sporting an unusually unbuttoned shirt, and Seacrest informs us that Fantasia's performing tonight.

Group performance time. The crew takes the stage for "Ain't No Stopping Us Now," which David Cook unsuccessfully tries to make a grunge tune. Very uncomfortable overall.

But at least Hernandez is in the audience tonight. Right next to Chikezie. I know who's getting a lap dance later.


Anonymous said...

Is anyone else wondering WTF after watching "Fantasia"....Did you just see the look on Simon's face??? TOO FUNNY

Anonymous said...

Fantasia??? YES!! What "wuz" her
appearance all about? Was she telling the AI judges, producers, et al. to kiss her AXX??

Anonymous said...

fantasia is trying really hard to help people remember that she exists

ddv said...

Are you guys kidding? She was fricking awsome! Unreal. Does America even know what talent is anymore? My God. Simon was completely in awe. He couldn't take his eyes off the whole thing. She oozes talent. And WHO is this person writing the original article? God..what a ditz.

ddv said...

Sonja Sorich, is the author of that article. God girl, your writing is terrible! And your opinions are that of a teen?