Tuesday, April 17, 2007

blake's a star...kinda

7. Blake
Song: "When the Stars Go Blue"
Me: Blake totally wishes there would have been a remake of this song by The Cure or Keane. Unfortunately, that isn't the case, and he's forced to make his own Cureified version tonight. It's OK, slightly too pop-inspired for my taste, though. Strangely, in terms of vocal caliber, I think he's actually behind Phil tonight. But he had a stronger presence on stage, which should be enough to keep him around for another week.
Randy: "I love that you know who you are."
Paula: "You kind of have the whole package."
Simon: "I thought it was OK."
Score: 7/10


Anonymous said...

First off Sorich, don't talk about The Cure as if there is anything wrong with them. In fact, don't talk about The Cure at all. Better yet, don't even think about The Cure. The Cure is on a level so far above you or me that it makes me physically ill. Okay, now that we're past that...
You think Blake had a stronger stage presence than Phil?! Are you drinking and blogging?! Or do you just have a bias against people that look like department store manequins? Phil was so much more into his song than Blake. Not to mention that Blake's uncontrolled shreaking managed to take a song I was excited to hear and make me hope I never hear it again.
Based on some of your comments I wonder if there is an attractive reporter I often fantasize about in the shower (causing fights between my wife and I that seem to last weeks), or a circus chimp writing this blog.

For Treal.

Hippity Hop said...

It figures someone like the poster above me would sign "anonymous." Geez, let up on the hatin'.

Anyway, I love Blake but he let me down tonight. I was really hoping he'd embrace The Corrs version of "When the Stars Go Blue" which is absolutely chilling.

Anonymous said...

I don't sign anonymous because I don't want her to know who I am, I do it because I have no desire to establish any sort of account when I can comment without it. Plus, she probably already knows who I am.
And how does someone with an icon that says "I Hate Everything" tell me to "stop hatin'." Also, does hatin' take less time to type than "hating"? Yeah, The Corrs version is "chilling". Great adjective. Douche.