Monday, April 30, 2007


Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Probably today's biggest "Idol" news has nothing to do with the current season. The Internet is buzzing with chatter about Jessica Sierra, the season four finalist who on Sunday was arrested on drug and assult charges after allegedly hitting a man on the head with a glass. Authorities reportedly found a small amount of cocaine in her purse after she entered a detention facility. She was released on $11,500 bail. Read the full story here.

Jessica, now 21, placed 10th on AI, failing in my opinion to sustain any kind of fan base. The most memorable aspect of her "Idol" run was, I think, the ongoing criticism about her weight. Even though Simon did at one point name her one of the season's top female vocalists.

She remained on the radar post-AI, but not for her singing. She had a pretty serious bout with a stalker, a 59-year-old California man who in January 2006 was arrested at Jessica's grandma's house.

So it's been a rough adjustment, and although I can't say I feel sorry for her, the story does prove that life after "Idol" isn't always as easy as talk show appearances and national anthem stints.

Who do you think is headed for the next post-AI train wreck?

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