Wednesday, April 11, 2007

not happy together

Time for another Ford commercial. This one is actually in a vehicle against the backdrop of "So Happy Together" and the contestants are morphing faces in a manner similar to Michael Jackson's "Black or White" music video. Alarmingly enough, Sanjaya didn't look that different from Melinda Doolittle.
On a more sentimental note, we also got a clip of Simon's trip to Africa, which actually was kind of cute. Some little girl drew him having breasts. Something tells me Seacrest was a little too happy to see that image.
We also got a relatively funny morphed clip of Tony Bennett in an AI audition. Funny, but not funny enough to justify a 60-minute episode.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that ford "music video" really freaked me out. I was scared every time the faces morphed.