Friday, April 13, 2007

do you trust her?

This season, it seems like more and more critics are calling AI judges' credibility into question. Today, I came across this column in the Indianapolis Star. It's an especially well-written piece that suggests Sanjaya's success is driven chiefly by fans' lack of trust in Randy, Paula and Simon. That is, every week Sanjaya advances is another statement of Americans' growing hatred for the three-judge panel.

Columnist Ruben Navarrette writes, "The judges on the show -- Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell -- may dislike Malakar, but many Americans have grown to dislike the judges even more. They no longer take the troika's opinions seriously, if ever they did."

To some extent, it makes sense. It seems like the judges have abandoned technical expertise in favor of cliches and attention-getters. After Haley's abysmal performance Tuesday, all judge Simon Cowell could offer was a cheap comment about her skimpy clothing. Hardly what we'd expect from a supposed mogul who claims he has more prominence in the music industry than Bruce Springsteen.

So what role should the judges play in the competition? Should they influence viewers' votes, or simply humor contestants with cheap puns? Does anyone listen to them?

Can't wait to hear what you think. Oh, and on a more random note, Haley Scarnato in her exit interview reportedly admitted stylists used finalist Katharine McPhee's extensions from last season while styling her hair. Talk about cheap.


Anonymous said...

What I'm sick of is the constant childish insulting between Simon Cowell and Ryan Seacrest. We get it already, Simon thinks Ryan is gay and Ryan thinks Simon has no fashion sense. ENOUGH! Who can blame Simon for not making serious remarks all of the time? Everytime he makes an honest negative remark on any contestant, all of the idiots in the audience boo him. Next season American Idol needs some changes if it is going to survive. I believe the judges should have SOME say in who gets voted off, to prevent future Sanjayas, and let's shut the audience up while the judges are talking!

Anonymous said...

well, sometimes the judges are unnecessarily harsh, and sometimes they praise people who don't deserve it (ummm.. blake!), so I think it's fair that the audience gets a voice. in its voting and in its booing

Anonymous said...

speaking of the hairstylists, I believe it is based on their ingenuity alone that sanjaya has come thus far. I doubt he even came up with that pony hawk. he shouldn't have cut his hair, though. it makes him look creepy.

Anonymous said...

With tits like that, Paula can have my vote all day long.