Tuesday, February 13, 2007

bring out the claws

Why aren't you talented? Because God only likes good people.
At least that's what contestant Amanda said. Remember Amanda and Antonella, the Paris Hilton lookalikes who are best friends? They advanced to the group round, and then added country girl Baylie to their group.
First, bad decision. Two words: third wheel. Anyway, they pick "This Old Heart of Mine," which is clearly a perfect choice since none of them knew the words. Then, they take a break out of frustration, during which Amanda hangs out with a boy group.
So the next day, they hit the stage and Baylie butchers the words entirely. Then Amanda butchers the words partially. Antonella, however, offers a fairly decent performance. Baylie gets eliminated, and is later confronted by the two remaining members.
That's when we get "God likes good people," and an accusation that Baylie spent the last night flirting.
Take it from pop prophet Justin Timberlake, Amanda. What goes around comes around. Amanda was eliminated the next day and Antonella is all that remains. Thanks for the cat fights, girls.

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