Thursday, February 22, 2007

you can't make us love you

Wow. It's 8:23 and we're already treated to another elimination. Amazing. This time, Seacrest brings the back row of women to the stage. Again, it contains mainly standouts, and eventually dwindles down to just Melinda Doolittle and Antonella Barba.
Then, for a brief shining moment, I kind of suspected Melinda would be gone. You know, the whole "she's so good I don't need to vote for her" scenario. Of course, that didn't happen, and it's slightly implied that Antonella will go.
But finally Ryan pulls out his trademark trickery and informs us that Antonella is actually safe. And, without hesitation, he calls Amy Krebs to the stage and tells her she's going home.
So awkward, but we saw it coming. You don't sing a slow song, much less one that tells the audience that you can't make them love you, in the first round of semifinals.
Enough said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a thing for Amy, aka Chelsie Clinton. I think she had a lot of talent. Too bad it was wasted on a boring song. Too bad I couldn't hear the song anyway because someone in the room was singing over her.