Tuesday, February 6, 2007

don't mess with...

...a girl who says she bought her audition outfit at a "hoochie store." Seriously.
Tonight, AI auditions are in San Antonio, and the first recipient of a coveted golden ticket to Hollywood is 24-year-old Haley. She's a sexed-up hybrid of Kelly Clarkson and Katharine McPhee, arriving at the auditions in a black backless pant getup. Haley got major kudos from Paula, but was snubbed as "cabaret" by Simon and Randy.
Still, she got a unanimous thumbs-up and it'll be interesting to see how she and her hoochie wardrobe do in Hollywood.
Of course, the show kicked off with the obligatory loser, this time in the form of Bryan, a bad Billy Idol wannabe. Let's just say he roared, roared, roared...but not in a good way.
The judges, by the way, are up to their usual tricks. Simon, for some reason, is inexplicably tired. Something tells me he had a bad run-in with a mechanical bull the night before.
Stay tuned.

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