Wednesday, February 7, 2007


We laughed. We cried. We yearned for a Charo comeback. Either way, auditions are over.
I, for one, am psyched. I live for the ruthless competition, and really get no pleasure out of watching losers cry. So it's on to Hollywood, in what's supposed to be the most merciless race ever. Score.
While we're waiting, send me your predictions. Are there any obvious standouts so far? Anyone destined to be a fan favorite?
And as for did this season compare to seasons past? Which losers do you think will be back for the finale? Was anyone cheated out of a trip to Hollywood?
Thanks for helping me through the auditions. I'll send you my therapy bill next week.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I think that the girl they sent away and then brought back will go far in the competition, if she can make it past the first few mass eliminations in Hollywood.
I also like the Reuben-esque guy who sang "Cupid." He's got lots of personality.
But my favorite is Jack Osbourne. I want to make out with him. And then hold his chubby little hand.