Thursday, February 22, 2007

fill fill fill fill

Finally...the filler time I've been waiting for all night. First, we get a plug for the "American Idol Challenge," some random cell phone game in which you could win $10,000.
But in an even bigger filler sequence, we get a performance by Fantasia Barrino. She's plugging her role in "The Color Purple." Maybe that's why Quincy Jones, who Seacrest actually cut off, was in the audience.
Anyway, Fantasia's performance is kind of anticlimactic, and I have serious qualms about her dress. Let's just say AI is no place for a strategically placed chest tattoo. And that means you too, Sanjay.
Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantasia needs all the product placement she can get. And by that, I am referring to her mere presence on a network stage again, as well as the aforementioned tattoo.